Personal Training Programs
Hourly & Half Hour Specialized Training
All new clients receive a FREE initial health assessment, trial workout, program design, and home gym consultation.
- Review your current health and nutritional habits.
- Customize a personal program around your needs and goals.
- Assess your current home gym and recommend the proper equipment for your workout area.
- A total body workout will be provided to evaluate your overall movement, flexibility, strength, and conditioning.
One-on-One Individual Fitness Training
Personalized in-home training designed around your goals. Learn all about the importance of stretching, form and how both attribute to improved posture, flexibility, endurance and strength. Revamp your diet to increase energy, lose weight and feel your best!
Your personal fitness program includes:
- Workouts designed specifically for you.
- Programs will include proper movement, flexibility, strength and conditioning.
- Set exercise schedule.
- Set your personal goals.
- Eating habits. Times when to best eat to improve your energy and focus.
- Keep you motivated and accountable so you are constantly moving forward.
- Learn how to use equipment and understand form and safety with each exercise.
- Constant supervision during workouts.
- Workouts will be evaluated often to keep you from hitting a plateau.
- Always on time and prepared to give you the best workout and service.
My goal is to teach you how to take care of yourself.
Any referral that becomes a future client will receive 2 free training sessions based on time and availability of Hughes Personal Training.